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October 12, 2013 BERNARDAUD 150ans テーブルアート展

週末の秋のお散歩の途中にね。(BERNARDAUD 150周年記念パーティから 写真撮影長田さん)

Fall is the season of Art. There is a beautiful table art of BERNARDAUD 150ans.
It may be fun to visit the exhibition during your walk on this weekend. (Photo by Ms. Osada)

October 12, 2013 BERNARDAUD 150ans テーブルアート展_a0307186_7183541.jpg

October 12, 2013 BERNARDAUD 150ans テーブルアート展_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2013-10-12 07:20 | Event

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