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May 11 2014 パーソナルカラー Personal Color: サマー Summer

Summer, Autumn, Winter)に分類されます。

● 特徴:エレガントで女性らしいパウダリーな色合い 
● ベストカラー: ブルーベースのピンク・ブルー全体・ラベンダー

It is said that appearances of the first impression is very important to impress others.
Personal colors are defined as the best color and color combinations that can generate
and maximize your charm. The personal colors are divided into four classes including
spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The person who is in summer has a soft image.
● Feature: Elegant and Feminine
● Best Color: Pink based on blue, Lavender and Blue

May 11 2014 パーソナルカラー Personal Color: サマー Summer_a0307186_1262165.jpg

May 11 2014 パーソナルカラー Personal Color: サマー Summer_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2014-05-10 15:00 | Personal Color

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