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May 15, 2014 First Setting:ロワールのテーブルLoire Table in France (Lesson for Advanced Class)

4月のAdvanced Classのテーマのファーストセッティングは、フランスの街ロワール地方、素朴なテーブルに

The first setting for the lesson for Advanced Class in April was natural handmade plate since the theme
was 'pristine table at the country side of France called Loire'.

May 15, 2014 First Setting:ロワールのテーブルLoire Table in France (Lesson for Advanced Class)_a0307186_3283096.jpg

May 15, 2014 First Setting:ロワールのテーブルLoire Table in France (Lesson for Advanced Class)_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2014-05-14 15:00 |  └ First setting

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