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May 28, 2014 春の色Spring Japanese Color: 春の和のテーブルBasic Class in April:

4月のBasic Classのレッスンは春の和がテーマだから、暖色の淡いピンクを中心に、珊瑚色、うす桃色、

Since the theme of Basic Class in April was Spring Japanese color, the color combination was
mainly pink including pale pink and cherry blossom pink. In addition, green end egg yellow colors
play important roles. Those colors generate feminine, elegant as well spirited image on the table.

May 28, 2014 春の色Spring Japanese Color: 春の和のテーブルBasic Class in April:_a0307186_547374.jpg

May 28, 2014 春の色Spring Japanese Color: 春の和のテーブルBasic Class in April:_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2014-05-28 07:00 |  └ Color

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