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June 12 2014 安らぎの香 Japanese Relax Scant: Japanese Modern Table (Basic Class)

春の和のテーブル(4月 Basic Class)のは、安らぎの香り、シダ―ウッドを。

For the Spring Japanese Modern Table in the Basic Class, scant was called cider wood,
which is dry tree fragrance and good for sanctify a person's heart. This is also used at shrines.

June 12 2014 安らぎの香 Japanese Relax Scant: Japanese Modern Table (Basic Class) _a0307186_5245147.jpg

June 12 2014 安らぎの香 Japanese Relax Scant: Japanese Modern Table (Basic Class) _a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2014-06-12 07:00 |  └ Aroma

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