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June 13 2014 アメリカのコーディネーション:テーブルの上 Coordination in the US: On the Table



I had a reunion with a Canadian girlfriend whom I met in Canada when we were very young in
San Francisco in the US. We have decided to drive from the city to Santa Barbara.

American design is rather wild and big compared to that in Japan. I like it.
This is a figure by old western books.

June 13 2014 アメリカのコーディネーション:テーブルの上 Coordination in the US: On the Table_a0307186_7435956.jpg

June 13 2014 アメリカのコーディネーション:テーブルの上 Coordination in the US: On the Table_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2014-06-13 07:00 |  └ Creative

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