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June 19, 2014 アメリカのコーディネーション: ラテ・アート Coordination in the US: Latte Art



I had a reunion with a Canadian girlfriend whom I met in Canada when we were very young in
San Francisco in the US. We have decided to drive from the city to Santa Barbara.

This was a Café Art at the coffee shop called Blue Bottle in San Francisco.
It was so beautiful. In addition that, I was happy to see the gorgeous garcons at the shop.

June 19, 2014 アメリカのコーディネーション: ラテ・アート Coordination in the US: Latte Art _a0307186_7281610.jpg

June 19, 2014 アメリカのコーディネーション: ラテ・アート Coordination in the US: Latte Art _a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2014-06-19 07:00 |  └ Creative

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