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June 26, 2014 『100ポイント』’100Points’ : 北欧のテーブル Northern Europe Table (Advanced Class)


When you use this LALIQUE glass for drinking wine, it would become excellent in taste and have
'100 points', which is a dream wine glass. Therefore, its name is also '100 points'. I do like the
sexy stem design very much. (Advanced Class in May)

June 26, 2014 『100ポイント』’100Points’ : 北欧のテーブル Northern Europe Table (Advanced Class)_a0307186_7251914.jpg

June 26, 2014 『100ポイント』’100Points’ : 北欧のテーブル Northern Europe Table (Advanced Class)_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2014-06-26 07:00 |  └ Glass

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