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June 27, 2014 ラベンダーブルー Lavender Blue: 北欧のテーブル Northern Europe Table (Advanced Class)

キャンドルのまわりにあしらって。(5月のAdvanced Classから)

When seeing blue flower, it makes you feel cool and relax. The preserved hydrangea called
lavender blue was around the candles. (Advanced Class in May)

June 27, 2014 ラベンダーブルー Lavender Blue: 北欧のテーブル Northern Europe Table (Advanced Class)_a0307186_8275231.jpg

June 27, 2014 ラベンダーブルー Lavender Blue: 北欧のテーブル Northern Europe Table (Advanced Class)_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2014-06-27 07:00 |  └ Flower

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