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June 29, 2014 色砂 Color Sand: 北欧のテーブル Northern Europe Table (Advanced Class)

砂をつかいました。涼しいでしょ。(5月のAdvanced Classから)

Since the theme of the color for Northern Europe Table, a variety of blue colors were used for
candles. It looks cool, isn’t it? (Advanced Class in May)

June 29, 2014 色砂 Color Sand: 北欧のテーブル Northern Europe Table (Advanced Class)_a0307186_755541.jpg

June 29, 2014 色砂 Color Sand: 北欧のテーブル Northern Europe Table (Advanced Class)_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2014-06-29 07:00 |  └ Item

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