August 17, 2014 ベトナムのビラ Villa at NIHN VAN BAY
しばらくブログをお休みしていたのは、ベトナムのNIHN VAN BAYでインターネットにアクセス
I went to NIHN VAN BAY in Vietnam. I couldn’t use Internet that is the reason that I haven't
updated the blog for a while. Life in this island is totally different from that in Japan.
When I feel hot, I can swim. I can take a nap when I feel sleepy. Only what I am doing here
is eat, read, sleep, SPA, Yoga. Workouts. This is a very primitive life. The reason why I can
appreciate what I am doing here is the life in Japan is too busy. Otherwise, I would be board
only relaxing at the Villa.
I went to NIHN VAN BAY in Vietnam. I couldn’t use Internet that is the reason that I haven't
updated the blog for a while. Life in this island is totally different from that in Japan.
When I feel hot, I can swim. I can take a nap when I feel sleepy. Only what I am doing here
is eat, read, sleep, SPA, Yoga. Workouts. This is a very primitive life. The reason why I can
appreciate what I am doing here is the life in Japan is too busy. Otherwise, I would be board
only relaxing at the Villa.
by miwakodastudio | 2014-08-17 07:00 | └ Favorite