September 21, 2014 モダンチャイニーズのテーブル:匂い袋 Modern Chinese: Scent Bag
の袋は使い方次第で、とてもカッコいい!(8月のBasic Class)
The scant bag was made from sandalwood for Modern Chinese table. The yellow Chinese kind
of design bag makes you feel cool depending on the way of use. (Basic Class in August)

の袋は使い方次第で、とてもカッコいい!(8月のBasic Class)
The scant bag was made from sandalwood for Modern Chinese table. The yellow Chinese kind
of design bag makes you feel cool depending on the way of use. (Basic Class in August)

by miwakodastudio | 2014-09-21 07:00 | └ Aroma