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September 26, 2014 モダンチャイニーズのテーブル:九谷焼 Modern Chinese: kutani

ティーセットだったのかな。(8月のBasic Class)

The main item of Modern Chinese table was tea set of gold Kutani. I wonder what kind of
family used the sets. The condition when I bought was nice and clean with a box (made) of
paulownia wood. I imagine that this tea sets were only for having guests the other day.
(Basic Class in August)

September 26, 2014 モダンチャイニーズのテーブル:九谷焼 Modern Chinese: kutani_a0307186_9265688.jpg

September 26, 2014 モダンチャイニーズのテーブル:九谷焼 Modern Chinese: kutani_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2014-09-26 07:00 |  └ Item

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