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October 25, 2014 アールヌーヴォー大人のテーブル:バランスよく Art Nouveau on the Table: Well balanced

イメージに。(9月のAdvanced Class)

The wines for 'Art Nouveau on the Table’were South Italy wines with modern label while
sparkling wine's label was modern type. Between them, there were BERNARDAUD
candleholders with parallelism in a line. (Advanced Class in September)

October 25, 2014 アールヌーヴォー大人のテーブル:バランスよく Art Nouveau on the Table: Well balanced_a0307186_92738.jpg

October 25, 2014 アールヌーヴォー大人のテーブル:バランスよく Art Nouveau on the Table: Well balanced_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2014-10-25 07:00 |  └ Drink

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