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October 26, 2014 アールヌーヴォー大人のテーブル:接吻 Art Nouveau on the Table: The Kiss

暖かくなるね。(9月のAdvanced Class)

The best drink is for ‘Art Nouveau on the Table’ is ‘The Kiss’ of KLIMT, which picture
makes us feel good. (Advanced Class in September)

October 26, 2014 アールヌーヴォー大人のテーブル:接吻 Art Nouveau on the Table: The Kiss_a0307186_8545249.jpg

October 26, 2014 アールヌーヴォー大人のテーブル:接吻 Art Nouveau on the Table: The Kiss_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2014-10-26 07:00 |  └ Drink

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