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October 28, 2014 アールヌーヴォー大人のテーブル:ラリック Art Nouveau on the Table: LALIQUE

るだけで酔ってしまいそう。(9月のAdvanced Class)

The glass for 'Art Nouveau on the Table' was used LALIQUE crystal glass, which can be
coordinated both Classic as well as Casual images. The stem is so beautiful and sexy.
I feel drunk only by seeing it. (Advanced Class in September)

October 28, 2014 アールヌーヴォー大人のテーブル:ラリック Art Nouveau on the Table: LALIQUE_a0307186_754575.jpg

October 28, 2014 アールヌーヴォー大人のテーブル:ラリック Art Nouveau on the Table: LALIQUE_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2014-10-28 07:00 |  └ Glass

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