November 13, 2014 北イタリアのテーブル:夏の思い出 North Italy Table: The Memory of Summer
つくりました。(10月のAdvanced Class)
Every time in this time of the year, a cold fresh wind me reminds of the memory of summer in
Italy where I went to when I was a student. Especially, blue blue water on the gondola at Napoli
and pizza and beer at a port town, Genoa. The table was created with the sweet and happy
memories. (Advanced Class in October)
つくりました。(10月のAdvanced Class)
Every time in this time of the year, a cold fresh wind me reminds of the memory of summer in
Italy where I went to when I was a student. Especially, blue blue water on the gondola at Napoli
and pizza and beer at a port town, Genoa. The table was created with the sweet and happy
memories. (Advanced Class in October)
by miwakodastudio | 2014-11-13 07:00 | Lesson Theme