November 24, 2014 北イタリアのテーブル:インセンスNorth Italy Table: Incense
バニラ、ローズから選んでくるくると三角にまとめてね。いい香り!(10月のAdvanced Class)
At the lesson for North Italy Table, triangular pyramid shape incense was created with the choice
from Iran Iran, Vanilla and Rose. The smell was so good! (Advanced Class in October)
バニラ、ローズから選んでくるくると三角にまとめてね。いい香り!(10月のAdvanced Class)
At the lesson for North Italy Table, triangular pyramid shape incense was created with the choice
from Iran Iran, Vanilla and Rose. The smell was so good! (Advanced Class in October)
by miwakodastudio | 2014-11-24 07:00 | └ Aroma