December 21, 2014 匂い袋 Sachet
(秋の和モダンのテーブル 9月のベーシックレッスン)
The strong incense called 'Sachet' was used as hanging in rooms as well as bringing with you
at Ancient times. It was said that it would protect you from evil as amulet. The 'Sachet' that
was made was on the table for the guests.
(Japanese Modern Autumn Table, Basic Lesson in September)
(秋の和モダンのテーブル 9月のベーシックレッスン)
The strong incense called 'Sachet' was used as hanging in rooms as well as bringing with you
at Ancient times. It was said that it would protect you from evil as amulet. The 'Sachet' that
was made was on the table for the guests.
(Japanese Modern Autumn Table, Basic Lesson in September)
by miwakodastudio | 2014-12-21 07:00 | └ Aroma