February 14, 2105 ハッピーバレンタインズデイ Happy Valentine’s Day
の焼き菓子でかわいくディスプレイしました。(銀座 CROESUSから)
Today is a Happy Valentine's Day. Many people might have a warm, hot and relaxed weekend.
The red cup & saucer with one of CROESUS teas are decorated at the place of 'This Month's Tea.
This is cute with heart shaped cookies. (CROESUS in Ginza)

の焼き菓子でかわいくディスプレイしました。(銀座 CROESUSから)
Today is a Happy Valentine's Day. Many people might have a warm, hot and relaxed weekend.
The red cup & saucer with one of CROESUS teas are decorated at the place of 'This Month's Tea.
This is cute with heart shaped cookies. (CROESUS in Ginza)

by miwakodastudio | 2015-02-14 07:00 | Exhibition