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February 27, 2105 女正月のテーブル:部屋置き匂い袋 Female New Year's Table: A Scent Bag


It is said that a big scant bag for room was created once a year at New Year. For the female
New Year's table, the bag was created with Japanese scants including sandalwood. The good
fragrance was in the room. (From the lesson for Advanced Class in January)

February 27, 2105 女正月のテーブル:部屋置き匂い袋 Female New Year\'s Table: A Scent Bag_a0307186_7361275.jpg

February 27, 2105 女正月のテーブル:部屋置き匂い袋 Female New Year\'s Table: A Scent Bag_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2015-02-27 07:00 |  └ Aroma

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