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March 4, 2105 雪見のテーブル;ぶどうのステム Table for Snow Scene Viewing: Grape Stem


The glass for Table for Snow Scene Viewing was LALIQUE coupe Campaign glass, which was
started to use since 1930. This elegant type is good for celebration. This is also very
beautiful with grape designed stem. (From the lesson for Basic Class in January)

March 4, 2105 雪見のテーブル;ぶどうのステム Table for Snow Scene Viewing: Grape Stem_a0307186_7263194.jpg

March 4, 2105 雪見のテーブル;ぶどうのステム Table for Snow Scene Viewing: Grape Stem_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2015-03-04 07:00 |  └ Glass

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