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April 26, 2015プリティモダンのテーブル:春の訪れを待ちわびてPretty Modern Table:Spring comes soon


"Wising spring comes soon" is the theme for the table. Using pink and butterfly may make your
heart dancing and happy. (Advanced Class in March)

April 26, 2015プリティモダンのテーブル:春の訪れを待ちわびてPretty Modern Table:Spring comes soon_a0307186_7495312.jpg

April 26, 2015プリティモダンのテーブル:春の訪れを待ちわびてPretty Modern Table:Spring comes soon_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2015-04-26 07:51 | Lesson Theme

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