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June 11, 2015 端午の節句のテーブル:兜 Table for the Boys' Festival: War Helmet

美しく強いイメージで。(5月 Basic Class)

The first setting for the table for the Boys' Festival was created a beautiful but strong image with
gold placemat, gold plate and black war helmet by napkin. (Basic Lesson in May)

June 11, 2015 端午の節句のテーブル:兜  Table for the Boys\' Festival: War Helmet_a0307186_71953.jpg

June 11, 2015 端午の節句のテーブル:兜  Table for the Boys\' Festival: War Helmet_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2015-06-11 07:00 |  └ First setting

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