June 26, 2015 コスモポリタンのテーブル:いろんなチーズ Table in Cosmopolitan: Various Type of Cheese
あります。ドーム型の TAUPINETTE(トピネット)と山羊のチーズの青カビチーズ、PERSILLÉ DE
CHÈVRE (ペルシエ ド シェーヴル) です。 (5月 Advanced Class)
At the class of the Cosmopolitan Table, four different kids of cheeses were prepared. Among
those, chevere cheese are hot recently from France including unique domed shape as well as
blue cheese made by goat milk. Here is domed shaped called TAUPINETTE and blue chevere
cheese called PERSILLÉ DE CHÈVRE. (Basic Lesson in May)

あります。ドーム型の TAUPINETTE(トピネット)と山羊のチーズの青カビチーズ、PERSILLÉ DE
CHÈVRE (ペルシエ ド シェーヴル) です。 (5月 Advanced Class)
At the class of the Cosmopolitan Table, four different kids of cheeses were prepared. Among
those, chevere cheese are hot recently from France including unique domed shape as well as
blue cheese made by goat milk. Here is domed shaped called TAUPINETTE and blue chevere
cheese called PERSILLÉ DE CHÈVRE. (Basic Lesson in May)

by miwakodastudio | 2015-06-26 07:00 | └ Cheese