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July 4, 2015 コーポレートカラー Corporate Color


MIWA KODA STUDIOのコーポレートカラーは、黒、ブレー、オレンジです。オレンジはコミュニケーションの色、

The tendency of Japanese company's corporate color is Red that is representing of the image
of active and passion. It is Blue following Red that can express the image of cool and reliability.

The corporate colors for MIWA KODA STUDIO are Black, Grey and Orange. Among that, Orange
is the color of 'Communication'. Wish to have good relationships with people who visit and
gather here.

July 4, 2015 コーポレートカラー Corporate Color_a0307186_7314396.jpg

July 4, 2015 コーポレートカラー Corporate Color_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2015-07-04 07:00 | Studio

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