August 3, 2015 ロマンティックな色 Color in Romantic
白やもっと薄い色を使うとプリティなイメージも添えられます。(6月 ベーシッククラス)
The colors for the Romantic Table in summer were mainly warmer clear colors including
pink, purple and red. If you add white and pale colors, they can generate a pretty image.
(Basic Class in June)

白やもっと薄い色を使うとプリティなイメージも添えられます。(6月 ベーシッククラス)
The colors for the Romantic Table in summer were mainly warmer clear colors including
pink, purple and red. If you add white and pale colors, they can generate a pretty image.
(Basic Class in June)

by miwakodastudio | 2015-08-03 07:00 | └ Color