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August 20, 2015 夏のワインのベスト Best Wine in this Summer

(カナダ ラングレー地区ワイナリー)

We went to the winery area in Langley, British Colombia of Canada. I found the best red wine of
this summer there. Although three different red grapes were used in this wine, however this is very
simple rather complicated on my palette. I think that "simple" is the word of representative
about people and things in Canada. I really like them! (Winery in Langley in Canada)

August 20, 2015 夏のワインのベスト Best Wine in this Summer_a0307186_924625.gif

August 20, 2015 夏のワインのベスト Best Wine in this Summer_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2015-08-20 07:00 |  └ Drink

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