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October 30, 2015 チャイニーズテーブルの香 Incense for Chinese Table

会話の糸口にもなります。チャイニーズテーブルには古い白檀の香を添えてね。(Sghr 青山店の展示)

Strong incense is not recommended on the table in terms of being an obstacle for food.
However, I would like to recommend having slight fragrance. Since it makes the people who
gather on the table feel good by nice incense. In addition, it sometimes becomes an ice break
for conversation. Old incense called sandalwood is for the Chinese Table.
(Exhibition at Sghr Aoyama Shop)

October 30, 2015 チャイニーズテーブルの香 Incense for Chinese Table_a0307186_530381.jpg

October 30, 2015 チャイニーズテーブルの香 Incense for Chinese Table_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2015-10-30 07:00 | Exhibition

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