January 26, 2016 古典主義 Classicism
(お皿:BERNARDAUD ポルトレ『古典主義』 2015年11月アドバンスドクラス)
On the era of Classicism on 17th Century, the PORTRAIT of famous madams was on the canvas.
With admiring arts in Renaissance era, the plates were created and they are on the table now.
(Plate: BERNARDAUD PORTRAIT “Classicism”, Advanced Class in November 2015)
(お皿:BERNARDAUD ポルトレ『古典主義』 2015年11月アドバンスドクラス)
On the era of Classicism on 17th Century, the PORTRAIT of famous madams was on the canvas.
With admiring arts in Renaissance era, the plates were created and they are on the table now.
(Plate: BERNARDAUD PORTRAIT “Classicism”, Advanced Class in November 2015)
by miwakodastudio | 2016-01-26 07:00