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April 22, 2016 春の白ワイン White Wine for Spring  

(2016 年1月アドバンスクラス シャガールのあるテーブルから) 

It is getting the season to have white wine. For summer, cold white wines including
Sauvignon Blanc and Albarino is the best. For the spring chilly night, how about having
regular temperature Chardonnay with a big white wine glass?
(Advanced Class in January in 2016, Chagall on the Table)

April 22, 2016  春の白ワイン White Wine for Spring  _a0307186_22293327.jpg

April 22, 2016  春の白ワイン White Wine for Spring  _a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2016-04-22 07:00 |  └ Drink

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