May 13, 2016 土壌 Soil
カリフォルニアにも違った土壌。色が違った砂にびっくりね。(アメリカ リッジワイナリー)
Based on soil and terroir, different types of grapes are grown. By doing so, many different
characteristic wines would be made. I was surprised at seeing different colors in soils from
California. (RIDGE Winery in the US)
カリフォルニアにも違った土壌。色が違った砂にびっくりね。(アメリカ リッジワイナリー)
Based on soil and terroir, different types of grapes are grown. By doing so, many different
characteristic wines would be made. I was surprised at seeing different colors in soils from
California. (RIDGE Winery in the US)
by miwakodastudio | 2016-05-13 07:00 | └ Drink