June 12, 2016 カジュアル配色 Casual in Color Combination
(2016年3月 ベーシッツククラス ガールスパーティのテーブル)
The color combination for the “Girl’s Party” Table is casual. Making a casual
image is to use many warm colors. The point is to use white and high tone colors.
(Basic Class in March, 2016 Girl’s Party Table)

(2016年3月 ベーシッツククラス ガールスパーティのテーブル)
The color combination for the “Girl’s Party” Table is casual. Making a casual
image is to use many warm colors. The point is to use white and high tone colors.
(Basic Class in March, 2016 Girl’s Party Table)

by miwakodastudio | 2016-06-12 07:53 | └ Color