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July 16, 2016 ロウの花瓶 Vase made by Candle Material

(2016年4月 パーソナルアートクラス 『春の思い出のテーブル』)

There are orange flowers with the yellow vases made by the candle material.
A light and bright image can be crated on the table.
(Personal Art Class in April 2016 The Memory of Spring)

July 16, 2016 ロウの花瓶 Vase made by Candle Material_a0307186_7144065.jpg

July 16, 2016 ロウの花瓶 Vase made by Candle Material_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2016-07-16 07:00 |  └ Flower

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