July 29, 2016 ジンファンデル ZINFANDEL
カリフォルニアから買ってきたソノマジンファンデル(SONOMA ZINFANDEL SEHESIO)です。
(One Day Lesson for Wine & Cheese with T. sweets. Labo)
For the Once Day Collaboration Lesson with T. sweets. Labo, the wine for the hot main sweets
plate, Seasonal Fruits Gratin, (see yesterday's blog) was selected SONOMA ZINFANDEL SEHESIO
from the selection that I bought in CA. It was a well-balanced wine, which aroma was
wild strawberry with strong Tannin.(One Day Lesson for Wine & Cheese with T. sweets. Labo)

カリフォルニアから買ってきたソノマジンファンデル(SONOMA ZINFANDEL SEHESIO)です。
(One Day Lesson for Wine & Cheese with T. sweets. Labo)
For the Once Day Collaboration Lesson with T. sweets. Labo, the wine for the hot main sweets
plate, Seasonal Fruits Gratin, (see yesterday's blog) was selected SONOMA ZINFANDEL SEHESIO
from the selection that I bought in CA. It was a well-balanced wine, which aroma was
wild strawberry with strong Tannin.(One Day Lesson for Wine & Cheese with T. sweets. Labo)

by miwakodastudio | 2016-07-29 07:00 | Event