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August 11, 2016 緑の持つ意味 Meaning of Green 

(ウォームナチュラルのテーブル 2016年6月 パーソナルサイコロジークラスから)

Green is the color for well balanced. When you would like to make a relaxed atmosphere
on the table, green plays an important role. Green leaves with shining glass makes me feel
relaxed. (Warm Natural Table, Personal Phycology Class, June 2016)

August 11, 2016 緑の持つ意味 Meaning of Green _a0307186_10552557.jpg

August 11, 2016 緑の持つ意味 Meaning of Green _a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2016-08-11 10:53 |  └ Color

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