September 15, 2016 ビーチのテーブル Table on the Beach
『Table on the Beach』というタイトルで作った夏のテーブル。涼やかなテーブルは
(7月 カラーサイコロジークラス)
Here is the summer table, which title is “Table on the Beach”. The combination
of blue and clear brings a cool image. However, it is getting cooler in Japan,
it might make you feel cold. ( Color Phycology Class in July)

(7月 カラーサイコロジークラス)
Here is the summer table, which title is “Table on the Beach”. The combination
of blue and clear brings a cool image. However, it is getting cooler in Japan,
it might make you feel cold. ( Color Phycology Class in July)

by miwakodastudio | 2016-09-15 07:00 | Lesson Theme