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October 12, 2016 ブリ3兄弟 Brie three brothers

ブリ3兄弟と呼ばれるフランスのブリたち、名前はブリ ド モー (BRIE DE MEAUX)
ブリ ド ムラン (BRIE DE MELUN)そして、クロミエ(COULOMMIERS)と言います。

There is Brie three brothers including BRIE DE MEAUX, BRIE DE MELUN and
COULOMMIERS). We have compared at the September monthly classes.
Since then, I really like them therefore; I eat and compare just about
every night.

October 12, 2016 ブリ3兄弟 Brie three brothers_a0307186_8202286.jpg

October 12, 2016 ブリ3兄弟 Brie three brothers_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2016-10-12 07:00 |  └ Cheese

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