December 8, 2016 カンパナ兄弟 Freres Campana
オルセー美術館の中のThe Café Campana(カフェ カンパナ)というカフェ、Freres Campana
(カンパナ兄弟) が手掛けたというユニークでポップなインテリアです。そんなカンパナ兄弟が
その才能、羨ましいです。(2016年11月ベーシッククラス Thanksgiving Dayのテーブル)
There is a café called The Café Campana in Musée d'Orsay where Frerea Campana designed.
Their design is very unique and POP. Frerea Campana also designs the plate of BERNARDAUD.
There are dolphins in the middle of the plate. I very much appreciate their arts and envy their
talent. (Basic Class in November 2016, Table for Thanksgiving Day)

(カンパナ兄弟) が手掛けたというユニークでポップなインテリアです。そんなカンパナ兄弟が
その才能、羨ましいです。(2016年11月ベーシッククラス Thanksgiving Dayのテーブル)
There is a café called The Café Campana in Musée d'Orsay where Frerea Campana designed.
Their design is very unique and POP. Frerea Campana also designs the plate of BERNARDAUD.
There are dolphins in the middle of the plate. I very much appreciate their arts and envy their
talent. (Basic Class in November 2016, Table for Thanksgiving Day)

by miwakodastudio | 2016-12-08 07:00 | └ Item