February 24, 2017 チーズ嫌いに If you don’t like cheese
アルスア ウジョア(ARZUAULLOA)というスペインのチーズ。むっちりと柔らかな中身、
If you don’t like cheese, I would like to recommend the Spain cheese called
ARZUAULLOA. It is plump inside with smooth surface. Its taste is like vanilla cream.
I also recommend eating it with white wine and/or seasonal fruit.
If you don’t like cheese, I would like to recommend the Spain cheese called
ARZUAULLOA. It is plump inside with smooth surface. Its taste is like vanilla cream.
I also recommend eating it with white wine and/or seasonal fruit.
by miwakodastudio | 2017-02-24 07:00 | └ Cheese