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June 10, 2017 カトラリーレスト Cutlery Rest Envelop  

星屑のようなガラスを乗せて。(5月クラス 母の日のテーブル)

The cutlery rest for “Mother’s Day table” was made at the class.
Small glasses like Stardust were on the flower.
(Mother’s Day Table in May Class)

June 10, 2017 カトラリーレスト Cutlery Rest Envelop  _a0307186_8573815.jpg

June 10, 2017 カトラリーレスト Cutlery Rest Envelop  _a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2017-06-10 08:56 |  └ Figure

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