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June 20, 2017 ラベンダーカラー Lavender Colors

シルバーを足しました。プレートは白で爽やかに。(5月クラス 父の日のテーブル)

The color for the table for Father’s Day Table was the gradation of lavender and pink.
Silver as a modern image as well as white as a clean image were added to the table.
(Father’s Day Table in May Class)

June 20, 2017 ラベンダーカラー Lavender Colors_a0307186_743919.jpg

June 20, 2017 ラベンダーカラー Lavender Colors_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2017-06-20 07:00 |  └ Color

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