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October 28, 2019 ロワイヤル・ド・リモージュ Limoges

The setting for the table was an elegant plate called Royal de Limoges, which planned and
designed Midori Toshirozawa.
The table design was imagined at Duernstein in Austria seeing a beautiful vine field
in Mid Autumn.

中秋 デュリュンシュタイン

Midori Toshirozawaさんの作品です。
October 28, 2019 ロワイヤル・ド・リモージュ Limoges_a0307186_10082683.jpg

October 28, 2019 ロワイヤル・ド・リモージュ Limoges_a0307186_222431.jpg

by miwakodastudio | 2019-10-28 07:00 |  └ First setting

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